Staying active during quarantine
Covid 19 is something that has affected everyone's lives this year, and we don't know when we will be able to get back to our normal lives. Now that people are working from home, they are probably being less active than they were before. Instead of just sitting down and having classes or working and then going to sleep, you should try new things that will help you stay physically and mentally active. Sitting around for long periods of time can physically affect you. This is probably because you are probably not walking as much as you were before, you're probably not playing any sport, or not physically going to the class. People are now getting lazier to do things; therefore, they are not staying mentally active. Now that most people are on lockdown, they should take advantage to do more things since you can manage your time better.
Many people have messed up their schedules during the quarantine. They've slept late and woke up late, and those who go to online meetings or online school, unless they have to attend online school/college or work. they go back to bed. Instead of doing this, manage your time wisely and try new things out. Yes, people may not be able to go to the gym, go to their yoga classes, or to whatever extracurriculars that keep them active, but this is not something that has to stop them from being active.
Instead of laying in bed while being on a call, stand up and walk; this will help you wake up, and at the same time, you will be physically active. If you live with many family members, try taking some time off to spend time with them. If you have a backyard, play some sports or go on a run with your loved ones. Lastly, if you have a nearby place where you can go for some time off, enjoy it while following social distancing rules and being cautious. As mentioned before, there are people that previously were active by going to yoga or going to the gym, but now they can try performing those activities at home. Many people have more time now and can't fit in time to work out like they used to.
Youtube is a platform that contains everything; if you want to exercise, search up what you want to work on and try out new exercises. On youtube, you can have free online exercises that don't need workout equipment. For those that prefer yoga, there are also channels that make videos for it. Yoga is amazing since it does not only physically help you, but also mentally; yoga relaxes you from any stress that you could have. Besides youtube, you can always join online classes; it may not be the same thing as it was when attending in person, but it keeps you active while continuing to do something that you love.
The internet, besides helping you stay physically active, can also help you be mentally active. If you plan accordingly you can begin to learn new things you may have not had time to do before. If you like to surf the web while having dinner, instead of just scrolling through your phone, you could find games that mentally help you; games such as sudoku, luminosity, card games help you exercise your mind while doing something fun. Besides this, you can also try to learn a new instrument, which makes you use both sides of your brain. Learning a new instrument relieves stress and improves your memory.
Besides using the internet to learn how to play an instrument, you can also learn how to do other activities such as cooking, which will also help you destress while having delicious meals on your table. You can also stay mentally active while in bed. If it has been a long day and you may not be feeling like standing up, you can try reading a book, which can be done online or with a physical copy. Reading is something that helps you be more creative, keeps your imagination running, helps you get informed, and besides this, it can help prevent Dementia and Alzheimers.
Something you can also do is join free online courses and learn new information about your passions; this will give you new information that could help you in your future. By learning new things online, you can also begin gaining money from your new skills. Being at home locked most of the time should not be something that stops you from being active. On the contrary, you should take more advantage of the fact that you have more time, can manage it better, and you can start doing things that will benefit you.