Drinking chlorophyll is a trend that has become popular on Tik Tok, because people claim that it clears acne and takes odors from the body away. Although this substance needs more research, people do believe that it has many benefits including those and others. Chlorophyll may help your body in certain ways since it has vitamins and antioxidants. This can easily be gotten from plants, but it is more recommendable to get it through supplements such as chlorophyllin; this chemical has copper instead of magnesium, which means that you can detect it in the plasma which shows that it has been absorbed.
Chlorophyllin has shown that it can reduce inflammation in the skin, therefore maybe the skin getting cleared may be true. This substance needs more research therefore it is not fully proven that it can do this. People claim that they see an improvement in their skin, while others say that this is not true. There are others that claim that this will actually cause more damage to the skin since it attracts sunlight. Nothing has been proven so you can try it out for yourself and see what results you end up getting.
Chlorophyll is said to improve the quality of your rerouted red blood cells, this is also not fully proven yet. If this does get proven, it would give benefits to your body specially to anemic people or people with cancer. Red blood cells have hemoglobin which is a protein that helps with the oxygen getting to your longs and then it returns Carbon dioxide to the lungs. If this was to be low you could get health issues such as anemia, which will make you feel weak and it will be tougher to get oxygens to the cell. This is something that is extra risky now that there is a global pandemic that is affecting the lungs. Therefore, even though it is not fully proven that it does have this benefit, it will be good to try.
Researchers have looked into the effects that chlorophyll can have on cancer. They had an animal study that showed taking chlorophyll daily did reduce the size of the tumor of the animal that had been transplanted with human pancreatic cells. They are still doing research on this, they have recently begun testing on humans. Hopefully, soon it will show if this really has benefits, if it does it will help many who are suffering from this.
The second main reason for why people were purchasing Chlorophyll was due to the fact that people claimed that it reduced body odors. Apparently, there has been mixed results about this, but there has been a recent study on people with trimethylaminuria, which is a disorder that doesn't break down the Trimethylamine chemical, causing a strong rotten fish smell in the body. According to the study it has decreased the odor. As to reducing other odors it has still not been proven. If the chlorophyll was able to remove such a strong smell, it may help with other smells.
As it can be seen this substance needs more research, there are mixed studies and not sufficient evidence for the benefits. You shall not believe in everything that the internet says but you could still try to see if the chlorophyll will actually give you the benefits that other people have claimed that they have gotten. Before doing this it is important for you to consult with the doctor, talk it out to see if you can consume it or apply it, how much can you consume or apply, and if it can cause any risks before you experiment with it. It has been said that it can cause digestive issues or itching to the skin if it is applied. The digestion issue can be due to the way you consume it and the itching can be depending on the skin sensitivity, therefore it depends on the person. Up to Now nothing really bad has occurred because of this, people all over the world are drinking and applying it in their skins, but it is always better to be safe than sorry, specially if you are pregnant.